Hogwarts on the Mountain
July 20-26
Grades 4, 5, 6
Dean: Meg Magrauth
Price: $710, $600, $530
You’re a Wizard! Join us for an enchanted week celebrating God’s wondrous wizardry Harry Potter style. Experience the magic and amazingness of Hogwarts on Pine Mtn. Play Quidditch, learn ‘spells’, create ‘charms’, prepare ‘potions’ and make new friends. Discover the mysterious and miraculous magic God’s presence can have in your life. Muggles are welcome!
Registration Information
We use UltraCamp as our online registration system. Click below to create a username and password to register. If you’ve been to camp previously (since 2014) you can log in with your established login and password.
If you have questions about the registration process, please contact Cindy Bradley at admin@hortoncenter.org or 603-270-9189.