Opening Work Days
May 16-18

Ages 18+
Come help camp get ready for another exciting summer! Folks are invited to come up for the weekend or just a day. Youth 16 years and older are welcome with adult supervision and signed parent permission. See the website for registration instructions.
Registration Information
We'd love to have you come to Horton Center to help out!
We are in need of all kinds of work and skill levels. If you have a particular skill, such as carpentry, or are a licensed plumber or electrician, please let us know! Call us at 603-545-9660.
Important information on attending our weekends is below, including the required paperwork. Please read this information carefully!
Registration is Required for Work Days
You can come for the whole weekend or just Saturday; please let us know when you’re coming and how long you plan to stay. Your registration allows us to prepare for work projects and food. There is no fee for these weekends, but donations are appreciated! To register email Tivvi Pare, or call 603-545-9660
Age Restriction
In order to keep everyone safe, youth must be 16 or older and accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Background Check
Background checks and Voluntary Disclosure Statements are required for all participants 18 years old and older whenever under 18-year-old campers are present. Please check with camp before coming to see if any 16- or 17-year-olds will be attending. Horton Center will absorb the cost of the background check but will gladly take a donation to help with this cost. Download the background check form here, then send it to 140 Sheep Davis Rd. Pembroke, NH 03275. Only one background check is needed for the entire summer, so if you sign up for more than one event, you only need to do this once. Participants also need to submit a Voluntary Disclosure Statement, and the appropriate Health Forms (see below for links).
No alcohol or illegal drugs
All events at Horton Center are completely drug and alcohol free. Please don’t even have these in your vehicle.
Individuals under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and must be supervised at all times. Adults may share in supervision responsibilities, but at least one adult must be present. In addition, No adult is to be alone with a minor, with the exception of parents /legal Guardians with their children. If you are with somebody else’s child, be sure there are at least three people present. This is for everyone’s safety.
Medical Needs
There is no nurse on duty during work weekends. Adults are responsible for their own health care and for the care of the minors they bring with them. In the event of an emergency participants will be brought by ambulance or arranged ride to the Androscoggin Valley Hospital in Berlin, NH. Please be advised it is over a half an hour from Horton Center to the hospital.
During work events at Horton Center, adults may keep medications (prescription or non prescription) but they must be locked up at all times. Adults should also keep medications (locked up at all times) of any minors they have brought with them. We ask that you be discreet and keep medications out of sight.
Health Forms
Health Forms are required for everyone. Individuals 16-17 years must have parents’ and doctor’s signatures. Adults need to fill out an adult health form (no doctor’s signature required). Adult forms can be downloaded, or you can fill one out when you arrive at camp.
Here are the forms needed for work weekends:
(Please mail forms to: 140 Sheep Davis Rd. Pembroke, NH 03275)
Health Form 1: For those under 18 (parent or guardian signature needed)
Health Form 2: For those under 18 without a legal guardian present (Doctor’s signature needed)
Health Form 4 (Adult Health Form): For those 18 and older
Background Check: For those 18 and older
Voluntary Disclosure Statement: For those 18 and older
We use UltraCamp as our online registration system. Click below to create a username and password to register. If you’ve been to camp previously (since 2014) you can log in with your established login and password.
If you have questions about the registration process, please contact Cindy Bradley at or 603-270-9189.