Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
June 7-8

Ages 14+
Price: Pricing Available Online
Accidents happen. People get hurt, sick, or lost. Would you know what to do? Many backcountry emergencies are preventable. By learning a few basic skills, you can make the difference between a good outcome and a bad one-and maybe even save a life. Attend this two-day (16 hours) SOLO-run certification course that gives outdoor enthusiasts the skills needed to assist in a backcountry emergency situation at Horton Center. Meals and lodging available.
Registration Information
If you are interested in attending this class please reach out to our Executive Director, Tivvi Pare.
Contact Tivvi Pare: tpare@nhcucc.org 603-545-9660
We use UltraCamp as our online registration system. Click below to create a username and password to register. If you’ve been to camp previously (since 2014) you can log in with your established login and password.
If you have questions about the registration process, please contact Cindy Bradley at admin@hortoncenter.org or 603-270-9189.